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Dolton Mayor Accused Of Misappropriating Tax Dollars Via Shell Game


Dolton Mayor Accused of Misappropriating Tax Dollars via 'Shell Game'

Trustee Levels Allegations Against Mayor

In a shocking revelation, a trustee in Dolton, Illinois, has accused the town's mayor of orchestrating a "shell game" to divert unapproved tax dollars for personal gain. The trustee, who remains anonymous, claims that Mayor Tiffany Henyard has established a network of shell companies and used them to funnel public funds into her own pockets.

Alleged Misappropriation Scheme

According to the trustee, the mayor's scheme involves creating shell companies with names similar to legitimate town entities. These companies allegedly receive contracts for services that are never rendered, providing a conduit for the mayor to siphon off tax dollars.

The trustee provided evidence of several suspicious transactions, including payments to a shell company named "Dolton Development Corporation" for consulting services that were never performed. Further investigation revealed that the company is registered to an address associated with the mayor's family.

Town Audit Uncovers Discrepancies

A recent town audit has uncovered significant discrepancies between the funds allocated for various projects and the actual expenditures reported by the mayor's office. Auditors identified several instances where funds were transferred to shell companies without proper authorization or documentation.

Mayor's Response

Mayor Henyard has vehemently denied the allegations, calling them "politically motivated" and an attempt to tarnish her reputation. She has refused to answer questions from the press or provide any documentation to support her claims.

Investigation Underway

The Illinois State Police have launched an investigation into the allegations, and the FBI is reportedly monitoring the situation. The outcome of the investigation could have significant implications for the mayor's political future and the integrity of Dolton's government.

